*** 透過港醫匯安排並登記會員,每個成功個案將會獲贈價值HK$10000術前及術後檢測(尿速,指檢,超聲,PSA血液及覆診+檢測)

The Prolieve® System is an in-office technology, a medical device that both heats the prostate and dilates the prostatic urethra. The purpose of the Prolieve® System is to treat the symptoms of enlarged prostate (BPH) in men who would benefit from drug or surgical therapy. The treatment was designed with patients’ needs and comfort in mind.
- 保列福™溫熱擴張治療,是通過氣囊擴張和熱能輸送來治療良性前列腺增生(BPH) 的嶄新技術。對長期依賴藥物治療的患者而言,保列福™溫熱擴張治療是一個好的選擇,不單可以排除長期服藥所帶來的副作用,並可以在舒適的環境下接受治療,療程安全可靠。
- 保列福™溫熱擴張治療可以在無需住院,無需手術的情況下,有效治療良性前列腺增生(BPH)。
- 保列福™溫熱擴張治療是一種安全、有效、微創、和快速復原的治療方法。
- 全自動操作,療程只需45分鐘。
- 全球累計有超過10萬個例成功案例(絕無醫療事故),並已向美國FDA呈遞上市10年後的療效及安全報告。
- 患者於治療後無需服藥。
- 儀器構成:儀器由主機和一套(一次性)的微波導管耗材組成。主機產生微波,亦提供淨水循環冷卻系統,並同時監控所有治療參數和數據。
- 安全設計:溫度監控系統在直腸設有三個測溫點,任何一點超過42℃,整個系統會即時自動關閉。
What to Expect During Your Prolieve® Treatment
- The physician will insert a catheter into your urethra.
- When microwave energy is turned on, it will be transmitted from a special antenna inside the catheter to provide heat to your prostate.
- The heat will reduce the enlarged tissue of your prostate.
- A small balloon that is also part of the catheter will inflate within the section of the urethra close to where the prostate is located.
- During the entire 45-minute procedure, water will be circulating inside the catheter through your urethra.
For your safety, the Prolieve® System’s computer monitors the temperature surrounding the treatment area by means of a rectal temperature monitor. If the temperature at the monitor reaches 42ºC, the system will shut off automatically.
The Prolieve® System is FDA approved. The System’s design and operating protocol were investigated in clinical studies of other men suffering from BPH. The results showed the Prolieve® System is safe and effective.
- 醫生會將導管插入尿道。
- 醫生會將肛門溫度監控器定位。
- 導管上的氣囊會開始膨脹,用以擴大尿道及逼迫前列腺。
- 啟動微波能量後,導管內的特殊天線會傳輸熱能,直達前列腺並進行治療。
- 熱能會令前列腺增生的組織縮減。
- 在整個45分鐘的治療當中,冷卻系統會驅動淨水在導管內循環,確保安全。

Is the Prolieve® Treatment Right for You?
Although individual results may vary, in a clinical study many patients experienced significant relief from their enlarged prostate (BPH) symptoms*. Ask you doctor for more information.
*In a clinical trial, 74% (68/92) of Prolieve® System patients experienced a ≥ 30% improvement of their AUA total score, a measure of BPH symptoms, at one year.
由經美國超過10萬個成功案例可以實證,大部份患者在接受保列福™溫熱擴張治療後,其良性前列腺增生(BPH) 的症狀*均獲得顯著緩解,詳情請向醫生諮詢。
What Results Can I Expect?
You should be able to go home right after the Prolieve® System Treatment. However, it is a good idea to have someone drive you home after the procedure. Most patients are able to resume their normal activities shortly after the treatment.
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