SMILE 微笑矯視 (單眼) ReLEx SMILE Small Incision Lenticule Extraction (One Eye)

$ 14,800.00

SMILE is a breakthrough in ophthalmology. SMILE makes use of Carl Zeiss VisuMax femtosecond laser system to correct myopia and astigmatism, which is a big step in vision correction. SMILE is more reliable than LASIK, both speed and quality have also improved. Today, there are more than 500,000 SMILE cases over the world, and according to clinical experiments, patients with SMILE have close to 100% satisfaction, and the effect is very stable.

SMILE 微笑矯視的誕生是眼科醫學的一項嶄新突破技術,SMILE微笑矯視採用Carl Zeiss VisuMax 飛秒激光系統,醫生可透過此技術為患者矯正近視及散光問題,是矯視技術的一大進步。SMILE 微笑矯視是非常可靠的矯視技術,比傳統的LASIK激光矯視更安全,在速度及質素亦有提升。現今全球已有超過50萬宗SMILE微笑矯視個案,而根據臨床實驗證實,接受SMILE微笑矯視後,視力改善滿意程度接近100%,而且效果十分穩定。


SMILE is a breakthrough in ophthalmology. SMILE makes use of Carl Zeiss VisuMax femtosecond laser system to correct myopia and astigmatism, which is a big step in vision correction. SMILE is more reliable than LASIK, both speed and quality have also improved. Today, there are more than 500,000 SMILE cases over the world, and according to clinical experiments, patients with SMILE have close to 100% satisfaction, and the effect is very stable.

SMILE 微笑矯視的誕生是眼科醫學的一項嶄新突破技術,SMILE微笑矯視採用Carl Zeiss VisuMax 飛秒激光系統,醫生可透過此技術為患者矯正近視及散光問題,是矯視技術的一大進步。SMILE 微笑矯視是非常可靠的矯視技術,比傳統的LASIK激光矯視更安全,在速度及質素亦有提升。現今全球已有超過50萬宗SMILE微笑矯視個案,而根據臨床實驗證實,接受SMILE微笑矯視後,視力改善滿意程度接近100%,而且效果十分穩定。

Process of SMILE

SMILE SMILE is a single step technique. Laser can directly cut the middle part of the cornea by opening a 2-4 mm small incision, to remove the cut cornea.
Therefore, the corneal curvature will change to receive the effect of correction. Since the procedure of uncovering the corneal flap has removed, the wound area can be greatly reduced by 80% and wound healing is more desirable.
The process of SMILE does not produce any smell whereas LASIK will produce burning smell when grinding the cornea. Therefore, patients who accept SMILE would feel more comfortable during the treatment.
Can correct myopia up to 1000 degrees and astigmatism up to 500 degrees.

SMILE 微笑矯視過程

SMILE 微笑矯視是一個單一步驟技術,就是以激光直接切割角膜的中層部分,同時會開一個2-4毫米的小切口,醫生將已切割的角膜部份從切口取出,令角膜弧度改變以達至矯視效果。矯視過程免除了揭開角膜瓣的步驟,傷口面積能大大減少80%,傷口癒合情況更理想。SMILE 微笑矯視的原理是使用切割技術,並無任何氣味,而LASIK激光矯視,在激光打磨角時會產生燒焦味。因此,顧客在接受SMILE 微笑矯視的過程中會較安心。

Step 1: Laser directly cut the middle part of the cornea

Step 1: 以激光直接切割角膜的中層部份

Step 2: open a 2-4 mm small incision

Step 2: 激光開一個約2-4mm的切口

Step 3: remove the cut cornea

Step 3: 將切割了的部分由切口抽出


– Femtosecond is 1,000 times faster than the Excimer laser, the entire procedure takes only about 5 minutes
– No need to create corneal flap, less eye trauma
– 2 – 4mm minimum cut within the cornea, less damage to the cornea
– No charred taste caused during the process
– No need to worry about displacement of corneal flap even when doing strenuous exercise
– The effect is very stable, close to 100% satisfaction
– Minimizes damage to corneal nerve injury, reduces postoperative eye dryness and the opportunities of infection

– 最快可於4-5分鐘已可完成雙眼矯視
– 矯視過程免除了揭開角膜瓣的步驟,令傷口面積減少80%以上
– 矯視過程安全亦不會有不適的感覺
– 因為矯視過程不需用激光打磨的程序,矯視期間不會聞到燒焦的味道
– 術後做劇烈運動,也無須擔心被撞擊而導致角膜瓣移位的機會
– 矯視效果十分穩定; 視力改善滿意程度接近100%
– 減低術後眼乾情況及感染機會

Can correct myopia up to 1000 degrees and astigmatism up to 500 degrees.



SMILE Fees & Charges

1) Preoperative detailed examination****
2) ReLEx SMILE Small Incision Lenticule Extraction
3) First medication
4) 5 times necessary review and one-year unlimited follow-up consultation**If you are not eligible for surgery after having orthopedic examination by ophthalmologist, an examination fee of HK$500 will be charged.

SMILE 微笑矯視收費詳情

1) 矯視前全面眼睛檢查**
2) SMILEvision微笑矯視
3) 首次藥費
4) 5次必要覆診及一年內無限覆診**如經眼科專科醫生檢查後確定不適合作矯視,將會收取術前全面眼睛檢查費HK$500


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