General Practice 普通科診斷

The doctors from HKMC are dedicated to providing you high-quality, comprehensive care — highly trained and passionate about what they do,  their focus is delivering the care you need.

港醫匯的醫生致力提供高質量和全面的醫療服務 – 他們擁有豐富的專業經驗,對病人關懷備至,更專注地照顧您各方面的治療需要。

General practitioners have an important role in looking after patients in their homes and within the communities where they live. They are part of a much wider team whose role includes promoting, preventing and initiating treatment. GPs look after patients with chronic illness, with the aim to keep people in their own homes and ensuring they are as well as they possibly can be.

全科醫生在照顧患者在家中和他們所居住的社區中發揮重要作用。他們是一個更廣泛的團隊的一部分,其作用包括促進,預防和啟動治療。全科醫生負責照顧患有慢性疾病的患者,目的是讓患者在沒留院的情況下, 確保他們的健康良好。

Common procedures/interventions:


  • performing clinical examinations of patients to assess, diagnose and monitor a patient’s condition – these are wide-ranging and may involve the use of specialist equipment such as a stethoscope or otoscope (an instrument for examining the ear)
  • carrying out tests within the surgery such as urine sample testing to assist with diagnosis
  • interpreting findings from investigations such as blood tests to help reach a diagnosis
  • using basic life support skills and emergency procedures such as defibrillation where necessary
  • 對患者進行臨床檢查以評估,診斷和監測患者的病情 – 這些範圍很廣,可能涉及使用專業設備,例如聽診器或耳鏡(用於檢查耳朵的儀器)
  • 在手術中進行測試,如尿液樣本檢測以協助診斷
  • 解釋血液檢查等調查結果,以幫助診斷
  • 在必要時使用基本的生命維持和應急程序,如除顫

    For more detail required, please reach us at phone: +852 52336642/ email: or fill out the form below:

    如需更多詳細信息,請致電 +852 52336642/ 電郵至 或填寫以下表格: